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Make sure you get your pension on the right path.

This is the ideal time to start planning for your retirement. No matter what your age planning now for your retirement is essential. You can ensure you get the best pension to help you fully enjoy your retirement years by talking to Roberts Nathan Financial Services. And remember, if you already have a pension we confirm if it’s working as effectively as possible for you.

Whether you are self-employed, on contract, an employee or a company director, we’ll help you get the best pension so that you get all the financial and regulatory answers to the key questions:

  • What pensions are you eligible for?
  • What type of funds can be contributed?
  • What are the reliefs on contributions?
  • What is the tax treatment on investment returns?
  • When can you take benefits from the plan?
  • How can you take benefits from the plan?

  • What range of investment funds is available?
  • What are the investment risks?
  • Are there other benefits e.g. death in service?
  • What are the charges?
  • What default risks are involved?

Interesting fact: We Irish are living longer so the need for a meaningful retirement plan is critical. This is also relevant given the pension age has risen to 66 and is scheduled to increase further i.e. to age 67 in 2021 and to age 68 in 2028.