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Explain in simple language the complex terminology
Regular saving is an ideal way to build up money over time to meet your financial needs and goals. And if you’ve already built up a lump sum, then investing could be the appropriate option.
Savings plans and Investment opportunities can be looked at under a number of headings:
Savings Considerations:
- Investment type: Deposit savings incl. National Instalment Savings and Investment funds e.g. a unit linked fund or unit trust.
- Investment risk: Similar risk can be attached to savings plans as investment plans. However, a good rule of thumb is the lower the risk, the lower the return. The longer the term, the higher the returns.
- Savings term: Fixed-term or open-ended?
Investment Considerations:
- Investment return: Is the return to be provided in the form of income or capital growth or both income and capital growth.
- Risk: What potential investment risk is the product subjected to? What risk might cause you to get back less that you invested or a lower return that expected?
- Guarantees: Are there any guarantees on returns?
- Investment term: Has the product a minimum term? Does it match your age profile?
Access to funds, charges, taxation and maximum or minimum savings/investment amounts are key considerations which Roberts Nathan Financial Services provide expert advice on to help you avoid the obvious and less obvious pitfalls.